Friday, August 05, 2005

Nak jadi mafia tak?

Cara mudah nak jadi mafia ialah dengan menjadi ahli Kita bukan sahaja boleh merancang aktiviti keganasan malahan berpeluang jugak dapat USD1000 sebagai hadiah untuk pemenang tempat pertama. Cara main game online ni pun mudah. Just register dan anda boleh mula mengumpul harta/wang yang banyak sehingga 100 trilion. Kita boleh gak combine dengan mafia lain dan menyerang seseorang seterusnya merampas semua kekayaan mereka. Game ni memang seronok giler. Setiap aktiviti mestilah menggunakan turns. Turn akan diberi sebanyak 15 setiap 10 minit. So sapa2 nak join, boleh le register kat laman web tersebut. Sila click URL dibawah utk register...bestttttt

Apa yang berlaku bila dah addicted to The Mafia Boss
You might be addicted to Mafia Boss when:
1. You wake up sweating from a nightmare and all you can remember from it is that your defeenses got wiped out and they stole your planes.
2. You measure how long you slept by how many turns you have accumulated
3. Your signifigant other hates the game, not because of the game but because you only have one computer and they cn't play.
4. You run back to your office after a meeting and cuss out your boss because he made you miss that $45million attack and now that mafioso has defenses again.
5. You check your family board every time a message pops up but can't remember the last time you checked your email.
6. You know the allies and enemies of other families without having to double check. 7. You have asked Ringmistress out, fully knowing she is 1000 miles from you. (So when ya gonna come see me Mistress?)
8. You can judge accurately how much money a supporter has spent by how many operatives he/she has.
9. You miss a free movie with friends because your family is at war and youre worried you might get attacked.
10. You completely understand the algorithms involved in the game and can accurately predict the outcome of an attack before you commit to it.
Baca lagi..

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Penggambaran majalah sekolah - Paradigma
Penggambaran dilakukan seawal pukul 8 pagi. Ada 3 org photog iaitu en Mknace, En Brahym dan Kamal Form 4. Cuaca sangat terik dan panas. Selesai pada pukul 12 tghhari. Esok penggambaran akan bersambung semula. Memang penat hari ni.
Baca lagi..